
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

!Our Matariki session!

                                               Our matariki session!

Today at school we had a matariki session with Whaea Ali. Whaea Ali had talked to us about how to make lip balm/medicinal balm. She had also told us stories about the seven matariki stars. Some tribes tell stories about the seven matariki stars and some other tribes tell stories about nine matariki stars constellation. We had also learnt a new song called No te Houhonutang. The ingredients that we had used was coconut oil and lavender essentials oil and kawakawa essentials oil and lucky but not last bees wax. Whaea Ali had also told us that you could use coconut oil for when you have fake eyelashes to remove them. This was a very very fun day with Whaea Ail.
Have you ever made lip balm before?

Thursday, 21 June 2018


    Last term at school we had created some African art we had to have some nice freactures, Geometric shapes, bright colours and a symmetrical designs, to be successful.

WE all had alot of fun doing this piece of art. we were  aloud to look online for some Ideas.
After everyone had finished their African art they had all looked so cool and colorful. Then we had hang them all up on a wall and when you were on the other side of the classroom it was like a very very bright neon sun.

I had really really enjoyed the African art that we had done...

Have you ever done African art?...

Tuesday, 12 June 2018


  This year we have been having literacy contracts on google sites.
I think the literacy contracts are easier than math contracts because we have been having more time on literacy than math.

I have set myself a goal to finish all of my literacy contracts all year. Next year will be to finish all of my math contracts. 

I love  school a lot I would want to come to school everyday if i could i would do it like totally.

This years learning

                    This year my learning has been going perfectly. I have finished all of my literacy contracts. I have been focusing on my learning and i have been sitting next to Priyanci in class because we do not muck around in literacy or maths time. This year i have also been learning more about te reo Maori and my whanau because some of my whanau memebers from the past have been in the New Zealand history like: Hone heke and Tamiti waka nene.

There has been so much learning and history in these past few weeks. We have been learning about World War ll these few weeks.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

!Clay art!

                                                                   Clay art
Three weeks ago we made some Maori designs that lined up with our whanau relationship.
I had made a nice medium sized hook because my great great grandfather Tamati Waka Nene had the exacted same hook that i had created. It had taken a lot of time to think of what features it had on the green-stone. Here is a picture of my creation of the clay art.

I had used a sharp 2b pencil to carve the features of the clay. We used air dry clay to make the creation easy to use. We also used a rolling pin to get the curved edges then used a little bit of water to make it smooth on the sides.

Then we had to wait until the clay dries then we could be able to hang it up on a wall that could be seen every-time you come into the classroom.

This clay art had turned out just as i had wanted it to i love this so so much and i had not given up.