
Monday, 11 December 2017

!My year of learning!

This year i learnt lots of things like...

How to do my time tables really fast and to do my division fast also.
Image result for picassoI also learnt how to do a Picasso painting.

This year i also did a piece of writing and a drawing for what i want to become in my future and i picked a pet designer that when you make accessories for real life animals and that  was one of my best writings yet.
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In my basic facts my highest score was 100 i've gotten 100 six times this whole year. 

Image result for emoji smileyAnd in my tests i've been going good i've been getting 2s 6s 3s.

                        I think i did well this year :)

Tuesday, 28 November 2017


I have learned  that when given the choice between being right and kind choose:kind.

When auggie and jack ran into the woods these 3 kids from another school came up to Aggie and said Wyo that the aglyest face I've ever seen in my life and one of the boys said you look like a alien. And want i learnt from that paragraph was that dont judge someone by how they look

And when daisy died auggie was very sad about it but auggie
had to move on from that it was very hard for auggie to do that but he was very brave and so he did it 
And what i leanrt from that paragraph was that if you make a mistake move on from it straight away.

In tui class we have been reading that book each day and found these little notes in the book that says  your deeds are your monuments and the other one is Always try to be a little kinder than necessary.

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Wednesday, 18 October 2017

The royal Albatross!!

                                                                !!The royal Albatross!!
                                                                    Did you know?

1. The royal Albatross is 8.5 kg and its length is 11-1.2m

2. The albatross eats cephalopods,fish,carrion,krill.

3. Their is the southern Albatross and the northern Albatross and the baby Albatross their are 22 different species of Albatross.

4. Albatross can live up to five to ten years old.

5. The albatross lives in the southern of Africa,Austarila,Hawaiian,Japan,California,South of America,Antareiteq,north Pacific ocean,Layson.

6.Many Albatross can fly for 46 days without landing and 10,000 miles in a singles journey.

7. Ablatross kill humans because if you go to much up close they will think you want to kill them.

8. Albatross drink fresh water,salt water,river water,lake water.

9.Albatross hatch from a egg after six days to compete the hatch of a Albatross.

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Wednesday, 27 September 2017


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Today we were making healthy smoothies for the whole class.

My smoothie had: Mango berries pawpaw spinach and honey yogurt and grapes.

We first made posters so then our teacher would pick a winner for the smoothie recipes.

We had to try and make someone bye one of our smoothies my smoothie was three dollars and ten cents.

Everyone brought in some ingredients there were grapes spinach honey yogurt and normal honey too and bananas and bits of ice-cream.

When everyone went onto the deck and drank their smoothies some us got smoothie mustache.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Why bees are important to humans.

Bees are very important because if we did not have bees there would be no vegetables and fruit and then humans would extinct.

Bees make our garden look beautiful like a flower. When  we see a bee we do not catch the bee because they make us healthy and strong.

Every time when a bee fly up high pollen drips down from their beautiful body  and drops onto the flower to make it grow more.

Then a bee would take the nectar to the bee hive and when the bee is flying to the hive the sugar that they get out of the nectar would get separated into different parts and then the liquid  honey would go into the honey stomach of the bee.

Then when the bee gets to the hive they would spit all of it out then would put it in a jar and seal the lid up and then put it in a honey comb then they would get wings and flap them until the honey is dried.

These are my reason why bees are important to the earth and to humans.

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Thursday, 14 September 2017

Welcome to Xanthe blog 2017!!

WALT:Make a avatar.


-Will make it as close as ourselves as possible.
-We looked carefully at our face shape and size,hair,skin,eye colour.
-We understand that an avatar is promoting cyber safety.